Classroom Policies and Procedures

Dear Parents, Welcome to First Grade!  I am so excited to have your child in my class!  I would like to take this opportunity to tell you about my classroom policies and procedures.  My goal for the year is for each child to leave First Grade with a positive self-image and the confidence to continue learning. 

Homework: IS NOT OPTIONAL!  Homework is intended to be an extension and/or review of classroom instruction.  Homework is to be completed daily, Monday through Thursday.  Each student will be responsible for completing and turning in their homework daily.  Each student will have a red homework folder that is to be brought home and returned daily.  Each student will receive a weekly Reading Log.  This will need to be signed by a parent daily.The expectation is that each child will read for 15 minutes with a parent each day.  Your child will be visiting the library each week to select a book or two.  Please make sure children are returning their books so that they may select a new one. 

Expected Behaviors:  Each child has a right to feel safe in our classroom and our school.  To facilitate this type of environment, we have rules in our classroom and consequences/rewards for exhibited behaviors.  Students will be bringing home a matrix which lists the rules and expectations for Dr. Mudd students after we have discussed them as a class.  Students will earn Dragon Dollars for following the three school rules:  We are respectful, We are responsible and We are ready to learn.  The students will have many opportunities to earn and spend their Dragon Dollars for rewards and prizes during the school year. Certain conducts WILL NOT BE TOLERATED IN ANY FORM!  Such conduct includes aggressively touching another person, threatening, teasing, bullying, etc.  Some infractions are automatic referrals to the office according to the student code of conduct. 

PBIS in My Classroom:Our school participates in the PBIS program which focuses on students’ positive behavior.  In my classroom we use a color-coded stick and clothespins that have the students’ names.  All students start the day on “Green.”  “Green” is good and a good place to start our day.  If students show me exceptional behavior, they can move their clothespin to “Blue.”  In my class, students who are on “Blue” get special privileges, like, being able to move around the room to get a tissue, use the restroom and sharpen their pencil, etc. without asking me.  They also get to read in the classroom library and use the floor pillows during Self-Selected Reading time.  Most students want to earn their way up to “Blue” to earn these special privileges.   If students are not following our three school rules, I give them one warning before I move their clothespin down one level.  If students get their clothespin on “Yellow” I will caution them about their behavior.  If students get their clothespin on “Red” I will send a note home or call.  Consistently on “Yellow” or “Red” will require further intervention with parent assistance. 

Personal Belongings:  Due to limited space, toys and purses and other items not necessary to instruction are to be kept home.  Toys will be confiscated and returned to a PARENT!  

Fieldtrips:  We are in the process of planning several fieldtrips throughout the year.  Please look for advanced notice of fieldtrips in your child’s homework folder.  Chaperones who want to participate in fieldtrips are welcome and appreciated! 

Birthdays:  Birthday parties are not allowed due to the loss of instructional time.  However, if you would like to bring in brownies, cupcakes (Store-bought only – county policy), etc. for your child to share on their birthday, that would be acceptable.  Cakes that need to be cut and served will present a problem unless you are willing to do this.  These events can take place only at 3:00 pm on Thursdays only. 

Parent-Teacher Communication:  Should you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, feel free to give me a call or drop me a note.  You can also email me at  I usually check this daily.  I will attempt to respond to you in a reasonable amount of time. 

Volunteers:  I need your help!  I will be sending home a survey of items that you could help with.  An hour a week to help with copying, laminating, or cutting would be great.  I will also need help during celebrations, such as Halloween, Winter, Valentine’s, and fieldtrips.  PLEASE BE HONEST! 

Schedule:  This year we have a Monday -Friday schedule.   Mornings we have our reading lessons and math will be in the afternoon.  Recess is from 11:15 -11:45 am daily.  Lunch is from 11:50 am to 12:20 pm, daily.     Our Specials Schedule is as follows: 

Monday – Computer and P.E. (Your child will need to wear sneakers or rubber-soled shoes)

Tuesday – Art and Library

Wednesday – P.E. (Your child will need to wear sneakers or rubber-soled shoes) and Music

Thursday Music

Friday - Computer 

Visitation:  Parents are always welcome to visit the classroom by request or teacher invitation.  I believe it takes everyone working together to adequately teach your child.  You are your child’s first teacher.  If we work together, we can accomplish many wonderful things.  There are only a few times when visits are not appreciated and that is during testing and when I have to be out and there is a substitute.  Parents who wish to make a formal observation must give two days notice for maximum benefit. (County Policy)  A conference can then be scheduled to discuss the observation.  Please remember I cannot interrupt instruction to conference with parents.